While ASM Innovations is dedicated to providing high quality products and services, we are also cognizant of the economic disparity that is apparent in remote communities in Canada and their more populous peers in the South. As part of our company’s mission statement, we are providing direct support to several organizations and businesses to give them a step up.
Our philosophy can be summed up in one word: Bootstrap. We don’t think that waiting for support is a good plan and that communities and individuals that want to get ahead need to “pull themselves up by the bootstraps”. This is not always practical, which is where ASM comes in. We offer web hosting and services to companies, individuals and communities that need it.
If you’re a business with significant revenue, this option is not for you. We are looking for and willing to help the ones who need it the most. Our current list of support clients include:
- Lac Seul First Nation Sawmill (www.lacseulsawmill.ca) – in support of their efforts to find new clients for their wood products.
- Avro Canada Petition (www.avrocanada.ca) – in support of their efforts to try and get fighter jets manufactured in Canada.
- Aboriginal Mentorship Program (AMP) at Lakehead University – ASM has reserved space for web support. In the meantime, check out their page at: https://www.lakeheadu.ca/faculty-and-staff/departments/services/ai/aboriginal-mentorship-program
Contact us to discuss additional services that we can provide. Our business is focused on providing technological solutions to people who need it most. If you are from a FN community, or remote community and need support, please let us know.